Friday, September 11, 2009

Illuminati Cipher - List of numerical correspondences

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This list represents a work in progress (with no previsions of being entirely completed) , and as such it will be constantly updated. The updates will always be made on the indicated link, changing only the date when the file is updated.

* * *

Numerical Key of the Illuminati Cipher:

A=12 ... I,J=4 .. R=17
B=11 ... K=3 .... S=18
C=10 ... L=2 .... T=19
D=9 .... M=1 .... U,V=20
E=8 .... N=13 ... W=21
F=7 .... O=14 ... X=22
G=6 .... P=15 ... Y=23
H=5 .... Q=16 ... Z=24

* * *

Here's one example, for the number 81 (9x9):

81= A E I O U Y
81= A'ano'nin
81= Ain Soph
81= AL Morya
81= Andras
81= Annuit
81= Atonism
81= Baha'u'llah
81= Belarion
81= Boleskine
81= Brugpa
81= C K L S F V W
81= Cthulhu
81= Dubh Sidh
81= Dzyan
81= Ethiopia
81= Havah-Jod
81= Ichthus
81= Illuminati
81= Jah-Bul-On
81= Jod-Havah
81= K'Taagar
81= Maha Sun
81= Mah-Ha-Bone
81= Man In Black
81= Nug & Yeb
81= Oldspeak
81= Phoenix
81= Pyramid
81= Quest
81= Rebirth
81= Sabnock
81= Set-Hor
81= Sirius
81= Smirnoff
81= Target
81= Tarot
81= Thamuz
81= Triangle
81= Utchet
81= Vapula


Luís Gonçalves said...

New Update:

Frater.'.M said...

Greetings From Concord New Egypt
Frater M

Anonymous said...


Luís Gonçalves said...

A nice correspondence that I found some time ago can be seen in the book "The Secret Destiny of America" by Manly P. Hall. I invite you to read this book, because it contains some interesting clues that become extremely clear with this numerical Cipher of the Illuminati.

In this book, Hall says that some of the colonizers of America were members of the 'Order of the Quest', who thrived to recreate in the new land the ideal 'New Atlantis' of Francis Bacon. Curiously enough, Bacon's Simple Cipher reminds of the Illuminati Cipher, with the only difference that for the letters A to M the order of numerical values is reversed [ See Numerological Cypher Chart and Illuminati Conspiracy Part One ].

So... these are some of the correspondences I found:

– "Secret Destiny" = 174 = "Walpurgisnacht" (the night when the Illuminati were founded)

– "Order of the Quest" = 199 = "Order of the Illuminati" = "Secret Government" = "The United States"

[QUICK NOTE: Remember that another name given by Hall to the 'Order of the Quest' is 'Order of the Illumined'. Illumined, or Illuminated, is the meaning of the latin word Illuminati.]

– "Order of the Illumined" = 181 = "World Conquest" = "Unity of all things"

- "New Atlantis" = 141 = "Francis Bacon"

Luís G.