Friday, September 11, 2009

Illuminati Cipher - List of numerical correspondences

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This list represents a work in progress (with no previsions of being entirely completed) , and as such it will be constantly updated. The updates will always be made on the indicated link, changing only the date when the file is updated.

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Numerical Key of the Illuminati Cipher:

A=12 ... I,J=4 .. R=17
B=11 ... K=3 .... S=18
C=10 ... L=2 .... T=19
D=9 .... M=1 .... U,V=20
E=8 .... N=13 ... W=21
F=7 .... O=14 ... X=22
G=6 .... P=15 ... Y=23
H=5 .... Q=16 ... Z=24

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Here's one example, for the number 81 (9x9):

81= A E I O U Y
81= A'ano'nin
81= Ain Soph
81= AL Morya
81= Andras
81= Annuit
81= Atonism
81= Baha'u'llah
81= Belarion
81= Boleskine
81= Brugpa
81= C K L S F V W
81= Cthulhu
81= Dubh Sidh
81= Dzyan
81= Ethiopia
81= Havah-Jod
81= Ichthus
81= Illuminati
81= Jah-Bul-On
81= Jod-Havah
81= K'Taagar
81= Maha Sun
81= Mah-Ha-Bone
81= Man In Black
81= Nug & Yeb
81= Oldspeak
81= Phoenix
81= Pyramid
81= Quest
81= Rebirth
81= Sabnock
81= Set-Hor
81= Sirius
81= Smirnoff
81= Target
81= Tarot
81= Thamuz
81= Triangle
81= Utchet
81= Vapula